Tampere (public office)
Due to its proximity to Tampere City Center, Viinikinlahti has the potential to be an important green public area for the city. This project aims to reconsider the nature of waterfront development, to create an accessible, connected waterfront that is open to everyone. Waterfront development typically aims to maximize buildable area, limiting public areas to a narrow waterfront that divides public and private space.
We propose to consider the future Viinikinlahti waterfront as a continuous productive landscape. Tidal inlets are opened up to bring the experience of the water closer to the city, while serving as flood basins for future climate events. Tidal marshes stabilize the new fill areas while maintaining an organic edge to the waterfront that provides unique opportunities for recreation and living.
Built areas are organized into clusters that are distributed across the landscape, limiting sprawling tendencies while providing dense and compact pedestrian oriented areas. Paths through the site traverse natural landscapes with urban streetscapes, providing diverse shared public areas and experiences across the entire site. As each cluster is self sufficient in terms of services, they provide a natural phasing progression for development.
Blocks are oriented to minimize heavy and linear elements in the landscape, while opening up unique views towards nature. The compact and low building typologies allow for narrow streets and intimate courtyards that create attractive street frontages and community spaces.